I saw these images on Yatzer months ago, browsed, and moved on. Somehow the images kept coming to mind. Nothing overly technically complicated and no impressive computer-enhancement (yawn), yet Elena Kalis (who lives and practices her underwater art in the Bahamas) manages to capture the themes of Lewis Carrolls' Alice in Wonderland perfectly.
After all, when the world around you doesn't make sense, it IS a little like being underwater, isn't it?

I especially like the 'through the looking glass' idea. You know how the image was made, logically, yet it perfectly describes an alternate reality.

All the above images via Yatzer, all rights to the images belong to the photographer Elena Kalis
A new version of the movie will be released March 2010. A Tim Burton production, it promises to be wilder and weirder than ever before. Click here for a write-up by Wired.com.

Production still via wired.com